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2023 Walk-A-Thon

When: Saturday, October 23, 2023, 9:00-1:30 pm

Theme: "Oh Yeah!  It's Mario Time!"


Tell me more about the Walk-A-Thon...

The annual Covington Walk-A-Thon is not only one of the most fun events for our children, but also one of the PTA's most important fundraising events, eliciting nearly 100% participation from Covington students. We will have lots of food, games, and prizes, so don’t miss this event!


Why is the Walk-A-Thon so important? 

The Covington Walk-A-Thon is one of the largest fundraisers and community building events of the year!  All proceeds from the Walk-A-Thon go directly to Covington Elementary School, giving our school funds for programs, supplies, and resources it needs to provide the best education possible.  Every year, Covington counts on the fundraiser to pay for art and science supplies, classroom technology, teacher training, noontime student activities, library books, and much more! 


How can my kids participate in this event? 

Our students can directly participate in the Walk-A-Thon by getting sponsor donations and walking laps.  Each student went home with a sponsor/permission form (extras available in the front office).  Please encourage your student to help raise funds and solicit either direct flat donations or donation pledge per laps walked.  Neighbors, grandparents, other family members, former Covington families, etc. are all great possible sponsors!  All donations are tax deductible and can either paid online or by check payable to "Covington PTA" and dropped off at the Walk-A-Thon box in the front office.  Flat donations can be paid prior to the event whereas pledges per lap will be collected and turned in after the event.

All sponsor/permission cards are due back to your student's teacher by Wednesday, October 18.  The permission portion will need to be signed in order for your student to participate in the Walk-A-Thon.


How can parents help out with the Walk-A-Thon?

Parent volunteers are needed for everything from set up, registration, field games/incentives, first aid, photographers, bake sale, and more... there are plenty of opportunities (and different shift times) to join the fun and help out.

Please SIGN UP HERE to volunteer.


Do the students get awards through this Walk-A-Thon?

Yes!  Awards will be given for:

  • 75% All School Participation: When 75% of the school participates in the Walk-A-Thon, all students will get an extra afternoon recess.
  • Top Grade Participation: The grade who has the most participants in the Walk-A-Thon will earn a popsicle party.
  • Top Class for Total Laps (1 class per grade level):  The class who walks the most laps per grade level will also earn a popsicle party.
  • Top Walker (1 student per grade level): The student who walks the most laps per grade will have a special "Principal's Lunch" with Mr. Armstrong.
  • Top Class Money Raised (1 class per grade level)The class who raises the most money per grade- either through flat donations or donations per laps- will earn a pizza party.

Covington Walk-A-Thon Awards will be presented at a special Walk-A-Thon Assembly!  You must participate in the Walk-A-Thon AND return your lap card in order to be considered to win an award.


Any questions?  Please contact Walk-A-Thon Chairs, Mariko Namiki or Ming-Yu Jou.

Wednesday, October 21st at The Counter

Step up to The Counter on Wednesday, October 21 and have a burger for Covington!  Burgers include vegetarian, poultry and seafood options. The Counter will donate 15% of all earnings to the Covington PTA.  This flyer is required.

The Counter is located at 2580 W. El Camino Real Boulevard in Mountain View. (650) 948-2333.

Please contact with questions. You may also pick up a flyer at the school office.


Tuesday, 9/22 from 5-9pm at Armadillo Willy's  

Y'all ready for our first dinner fundraiser of the school year? Come join other Covington families for dinner or get take out at Armadillo Willy's on Tuesday, September 22 from 5-9 PM. Please bring the flyer or mention Covington during your purchase. Up to 20% of all proceeds will be donated to our school.

Armadillo Willy's is located at 1031 N. San Antonio Road, Los Altos. (650) 941-2922. Please contact with questions.

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